Wednesday, January 14, 2009

The Wheel Goes Round and Round

I have been doing a lot of thinking lately. And yes that is what you all have been smelling (hehe). I have been thinking of whether I should keep doing this blog. I wonder what it does for me. What it does for you. What it does in general. It's like a diary, that i share. Keeps me seeing what i was feeling a year ago... where I was. But really, is it worth it? I guess it does get stuff off my chest and that is good.

I have noticed the usual cyclical elements of people lately. My boss is up to his usual things again. I am just tired of it. I can almost point to a calendar and point out the times he goes through his certain freak outs and then I have to deal with it. I am also noticing it with friends as well. I see how she is dealing with her life and her husband's and I am at the point where i am fed up reading about it. It hurts me to watch her do the same things over and over. And i know she wouldn't listen if I told her. She'd just say I wouldn't understand cause i am not going through it. She has moved away from the person I knew to some totally other person that i am not too fond of. It's sad. I just wish she'd read back at what she writes and notice what I am saying now. And i know she's not reading this any more... so she won't even know what i am thinking. I am sorry.

I am tired of these circles. I want to move in a straight line. I want to plow ahead and keep my focus. Yes, it is fine to revisit themes and improve on them, but I can't dwell. I have plans and I am doing something about it. Today i am meeting up with local bar to see about having a show there. I found a thing online where they were looking for local artists. So i figure, with my looking forward mentality, that I should reply. I sent some work to show him and I got a response. He was interested in meeting, so that is exciting. It will also get my ass in gear to be productive. I worked on a piece this weekend and made some good progress. I am very excited about it and have an end in sight. So that is good. I also have some other ideas I want to start on, but not until this one is finished. The other ones are smaller and more manageable, so i can sell them at lower cost as well. That was another goal of mine. To make my work affordable.

This weekend I am going with WFMU to do a live feed. This time i will not be behind the board, but at the venue learning this end of things. This will also be another good opportunity for me to show that I am a team player and have a vested interest in the station. So we shall see. I was really proud of my little blurb I say at the end of the show I work on this week and it made me hungry for more air time. I should manifest this into doing another podcast.

Well I would love feedback and opinions. Let me know what you think of me doing this or not. Thanks.


JustFrankie said...

If you stop writing on your blog who knows what ramifications will happen. First it may spiral me into a deep dark depression which I won't be able to handle without the use of ....... also, you are making great strides into things you love doing. You would be a fool not to chronicle what may be the beginning of your miracle. And, if times get real bad, real real bad, economy wise, I sure would like to hear what's going on in your world.

don't let other's stop you. They might be stuck in a circular pattern, but you are certainly not.

Your blog buddie and friend,


i zimbra said...

Hi SA,

I have really enjoyed getting to know you from your blog. I know we have known each other since high school but it is hard to know what is really going on with someone unless you interact with them on a daily basis. The blog allows for some of for which I am very grateful. Your words and thoughts often inspire me to have courage and to persevere in all of my endeavours.

No matter what you do, I want to thank you for writing.